Hide Unwanted Bad Words From the Web using these Add-Ons for Firefox and Google Chrome

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Anwer Khan
Anwer Khan
Anwer is passionate about helping others to understand this complex web called the Internet. He also has interests Mobile Phones, Movies and Golf.

The world wide web is an open place with little to no censor to the content that is getting published. Surely you can choose your sources to browse through the content of your choice.

But, since there is an endless possibility of stumbling upon anything using your browser, it could be a clever choice to use an add on for your browser that can restrict content you do not want to read.

I searched up on both Firefox and Google Chrome which are the popular browsers being used by millions of people, and both the browsers have got some add-ons available that can literally hide particular words from a webpage so that you do not have to go through them.

It is also particularly useful if you are going to let your kids browse through these pages.

Advanced Profanity Filter

This addon is available for both Firefox in Google Chrome and it quite easy to get started.

After you are done installing the extension to your browser, you get the option to how you would want the filter to work you can either sensor a particular word which will use Asterisk (*), how are you can use a substitute word for it, or remove the word completely.

In the Chrome extension also gives you the option to add your own words that you want to hide from the web pages. There is also a section from where you can whitelist domain name on which you do not want this action to work.

There are a bunch of other profanity filter extensions available for both Google Chrome and Firefox but I think advanced profanity filter is quite sufficient for it.

But you need to keep in mind that the advanced profanity Centre or any such extension would only work in filtering the text out of it if the content is video based or audio based it is not going to work obviously.

Add to Firefox

Add to Google Chrome

Although audio and visual content wouldn’t come your way while you are browsing unless you try to explore that territory, which I am sure you wouldn’t accidentally.

But, if you still want to hide or block it so that your kid cannot see it, you can check out open DNS website which gives the option to block certain websites on a particular network.

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