The Major part of the web is still about reading, and if you are an avid reader of web articles, you might have realized an issue. It is tiring to your eyes when you read a web article.
The dark fonts on a white screen are nothing but a white light glowing straight in your face. It can cause severe eye pain if you continue browsing for an extended period.
It is why many popular websites and apps are offering a dark theme or dark mode, which keeps the background black and makes the text white.
YouTube has also enabled the dark mode in the recent design change.
Dark themes or dark most definitely reduce eye strain, and we would recommend that you used it anywhere available.
One good thing is that you can enable the dark theme for any website if you are using Google Chrome.
Thanks to a wide range of extensions for Google Chrome, there is an extension called dark reader, which can enable dark mode for any website.
How to use Dark Reader?
Install the Chrome Extension from the Chrome web store, The Dark Rider icon will be added beside the address bar. Now, whenever you want to enable dark mode, click the icon.
You can also filter websites where you do not want the Dark Rider to work.
Pro tip: If you want to enable or disable the dark reader faster you can also assign a keyboard shortcut to this Chrome extension read how you can assign custom keyboard shortcuts to Chrome extensions.
Enable dark mode in Chrome for Android
If you are looking to do this in on your Android mobile, fortunately, Google has now enabled the dark mode in Chrome for Android natively. You can check out this article to learn how you can enable the native dark mode in Chrome for Android