Not Able to Connect Your Laptop to Wi-Fi? Use Your Mobile as a Bridge Between the Wi-Fi and Laptop

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

If you did not understand what this post is all about. I am going to tell you straight away that we are talking about using your Phone to connected to a Wi-Fi network and then connect the Mobile to your Laptop to use the Wi-Fi on your Laptop.

I know you must be saying Why the hell one should do that? All the Laptop nowadays have the Wi-Fi and it would be wise to simply connect it to the Wi-Fi network directly. I agree with you, Sherlock.

Stay with me until the end and you will find it extremely useful…..

There are some places, (Hotels, Cafes, and even Conference halls) where the Free Internet connectivity is limited to only one device.

Photo by Kevin Harber
Photo Credit: Kevin Harber

I’ve been to some Cafes where to asked my phone and put the Wi-Fi Password directly into my phone.

Now, finding the password of a connected Wi-Fi network in Mobile is not as easy as it is on PCs. (Though there are some hacks, but would require a lot of time and effort)

In such cases, connecting your Mobile (which is connected to a Wi-Fi network) to your PC and use the Internet will give you an amazing feeling of a computer genius.

You know how you can use your Mobile data on your Laptop by Either connecting it via USB or Wi-Fi- Hotspot.

So, in this case, our Wi-Fi is already busy getting the Internet from the Wi-Fi network, we can connect the phone via USB and use the Internet.

But if you want to go wireless, there is Bluetooth tethering as well, the one we talked about a few days ago.

So with Bluetooth Tethering, you can use the Free Wi-Fi network on both Your Mobile and PC by connecting only one device (i.e Your Mobile).

This trick is also useful in situations where the Wi-Fi Signal is weak.

You can keep the phone where Wi-Fi Signal is good, and connect it to your PC via Bluetooth Tethering, you can sit anywhere with your laptop without worrying about getting a good signal reception.

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