5 WhatsApp Features You Should Know About

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmedhttp://techtippr.com
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

Whats is used by millions of people every day who send billions of message to communicate with their loved ones. It has reached a point where the telecom operators are scared of their revenues and trying to create an imbalance. But that’s a story for some other post.

In this post, we will talk about how you can make your Whatsapp experience better. These are 5 tricks that will help you make the most of it, perhaps you might be using few of them, but it’s better to list them at one place for people who don’t. So here we go.

1. Hide Last Seen, Profile Pic and Status


If you did not know about that, you can also hide your ‘last seen’ from anyone. Jut head over to the privacy tab in Accounts in the settings area you select your choice.

2. Turn off ‘Read Receipts’ 

read reciepts

As if the ‘Last seen’ feature wasn’t enough to create problems in your life, WhatsApp team rolled out those double blue ticks known as ‘Read Receipts’.

Imagine someone knowing that you did not reply even after reading their message, what excuse do you have for not replying them. Be prepared with an excuse or simply turn the  ‘Read receipts’ off.

From the privacy tab, uncheck ‘Read Receipts’ and you are done.

3. See who read your message in a Group.

group messages

Okay, Groups on WhatsApp is an amazing feature, you have a group for your Old Schoolmates, College friends, Family, extended family or maybe even your office team. it is very useful, just like the Facebook groups.

You can find who is reading your posts in a group so that you know who are silent members of your group who simply read everything but never reply.

4. Send Your Current Location 

send locations

This is helpful for a number of reasons, If you are going to meet someone and want them to reach the place you currently are, simply send your current location from WhatsApp and they can follow it to reach you. Works really well.

5. Use WhatsApp Camera for sending photos quickly on slow data connection

whatsapp camera

There is a camera button built into the WhatsApp, but I’ve seen many people first take photos from the camera then share it via WhatsApp.

You do get a high-quality photo this way but it’s quite huge in size, over 2mb-3mb, and it might take long to send it on slow connections. The WhatsApp camera takes photos that are light and can be sent quickly.

➤ Read more posts about WhatsApp

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