Most of the web is getting visual with graphics shared on social media. Traffic enables you to share messages in a customized form by using custom fonts that are not available in plain text.
And if you are someone who loves to create graphics, I am sure you might get curious to find what font is used in a poster or an image. Check out some tools that you can use to find the exact font type used in an image or poster.
I have been using WhatFonts for last many years, it has been a great tool to identify what font type a website uses.
The web app will let you upload an image that has the font that you want to identify.
After the images uploaded you can click on particular parts to identify the fonts and it will show you the list of possible matches.
Fontspring Matcherator
Similar to WhatFonts, you can upload the particular image to the website, it will show you the exact matches for the fonts used in the image.
It has a better UI, and the presentation for showing master fonts is also better.
The website also allows you to download the fonts that appear on an image.
What the Font
The website will let you upload the poster or the poster where you want to find the type of the font that is being used.
Once you submit the poster or image, the website will list out the results. The list will tell you the possible match for the font type, an example of the font being used so that you have an idea how much does it matter to the fonts used in the poster or image.
If you don’t feel the matches are good enough you also get the option to consult an expert
When you upload the image to the website, it will recognize the text used in the image and will ask you whether you want to identify that particular. When you click on identify now the web as service is magic by showing you several results.
The web app also gives you several examples of how the font can be used so that you have better I am figuring out what font it is.
Use this Bookmarklet
This is probably the easiest way to find out what font is being used on our website. check out this article to get the bookmark link.
Ask on Quora
Quora is a question answer website similar to Yahoo answers, but the quality of the answer is much better and in-depth than Yahoo answers.
You can ask any question on Quora and the chances are high that you will be getting a quality answer to your question, so why not go ahead and ask the font type used in a particular image.
Along with your question, you can upload the image of the poster where you want to find the font being used. And the experts will try to help you out by finding the font that is used in the photo.
And since it is a manual method of recognizing the font type used in the image, because it will involve an expert person, you will be getting most accurate results from Quora. However, it is advisable that you use rest of the web apps mentioned in this list.
I would like to share few tips when you are trying to find the fonts from an image. Make sure the image is not pixelated, and the fonts are not small.