How to ByPass Login Screen on MacBook By Automatically Logging In

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

Password protection on a MacBook is there for a reason. It keeps your computer secure and makes sure no one accesses your data without your consent.

But it is not idle for all the workflows, like mine. My MacBook is always in my home office, connected to the external monitor. Everything is set up, all I have to do is, press the power button, to turn it on.

But the password keeps the computer from booting up entirely, and I have to wait till the login screen comes on the computer.

Removing the password from Macbook will save a few seconds of my life every morning, as I would be able to continue with other activities after pressing the button. When I come back to the computer, it would be ready for me to get back to my work.

Your workflow might also require you to log in automatically into your Macbook without having to enter the password.

Undoubtedly, the new Macbook comes equipped with a fingerprint sensor so that you do not have to enter the password manually. But if you have an older Macbook without the fingerprint sensor, then this trick will surely help.

How to disable the password on Mac while booting up

The MacBook does offer automatic login feature, however, you will have to turn it on manually by turning off the login password.

Password protection is also useful when there are multiple accounts on the Mac so that individuals can click on their user IDs and log into them.

Even if you turn off the password, you can still switch between users from the menu on the top right-hand side.

To turn on the automatic login feature, you first need to Turn Off FileVault Encryption; it is a feature that keeps your data encrypted to protect.

You can do it from the System Preferences, by going to Security & Privacy and then selecting FileVault.

* to make changes you need to click on the lock on the bottom left-hand side of the window and enter your administrator password.

Then click on Turn off FileVault, and follow the instructions.

Now it is time to enable automatic login for your Mac.

Launch the System Preferences again and then go to Users & Groups.

* to make changes you need to click on the lock on the bottom left-hand side of the window and enter your administrator password.

Click on the ‘Login Options‘ and ‘Turn ON‘ Automatic login from the dropdown menu, select your account from the list on the left-hand side and enter the login password.

* if you are using your iCloud password as your login password, you won’t be able to enable automatic login. So you fix it change your password to something different in User & Groups settings.

You will be able to login to your Mac automatically the next time you boot up your MacBook.

How to disable the login password on Mac when waking up the device

If you to use your Macbook on battery, it will go to sleep after a certain period of inactivity. And to get back to your work you need to type in the password to access your data.

It too can be disabled by going to the Security & Privacy, in the System Preferences, and then and uncheck ‘Require password‘ from the General tab.

The system will give you warning whether you want to turn off screen lock, confirm by clicking on it, and the screen lock feature would be turned off.

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