You Can Now Use Third Party Gmail Add-Ons on Both Web and Mobile

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

Emails are the lifeline of any business be it online or offline, it is the center of your workflow.

If you use Gmail for handling your emails, then here is a good news for you. Google has launched Add-Ons for Gmail that can be added to your Gmail and used on both Web and Mobile.

There have already been Add-Ons available for Gmail in the form of Chrome Extensions that enhance the email workflow.

But now you can install Add-One for the Gmail itself that would work on any browser as well as on Mobile (Android for now).

The Add-Ons can be installed from the G-Suite Marketplace,

or by clicking on the Gear icon on the top right-hand side of the Gmail (on the web) and clicking on ‘Get Add-ons’

The Availability of Add-Ons is pretty limited right now, but you can still install apps like Trello, Asana,, Form Publisher  Smartsheet, AppSheet etc.

Even though I have moved to Inbox by Google completely and don’t use Gmail for Web or Android, I thought to test one of the Add-Ons, Trello to see how it works.

I am a Trello users and I like the idea of turning my Emails into a To-Do list. But the Add-On did not work for me as advertised.

After reading a few reviews on the Add-on it seems it requires more work to make it usable.

I did not use any other Add-On right now so I can’t say if they work well or not but the Idea of using Add-Ons natively without being bound to use a particular browser sounds fun.

Maybe in future, we will have more Add-Ons that can perform some cool things right inside the Gmail so that we don’t have to waste time on switching between the apps to do a certain task.

Announced by Google on October 24th, 2017 (link)

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