If you are someone who prefers Android over iPhones, then I am sure you love tweaking with your phone a lot. And today, we’ve got stuff for you.
Apps that will let you create shortcuts for anything, be it a an App Activity, a Song, a Video, an Image, a Contact, an Email, a Bookmark, basically anything that is saved in your Phone.
Shortcut Customizer is an Android app which makes life easy by making things available to you in just one tab on the Homescreen.
Of course, there are Widgets offered by Apps to get perform an activity in the app, but this App takes this functionality way too far and you will love it.
Suppose, you are someone who keep requiring their Flashlights in the phone, and there is no shortcut button on your phone, (although there are, in some phones) You can create a Flashlight button on the Homescreen.
Similarly, you can create a shortcut button for Enabling/Disabling Wi-Fi or Mobile Data or the Hotspot.
You May keep a video shortcut if there are too many videos on your phone and you don’t want to spend the next 30 seconds looking for it when you want to show it to someone.
Uses cases can be many, and I know you are smart enough to figure it out. You just needed to know something like this already exists in the Play Store, didn’t you?
And if, for some weird reason, this thing doesn’t work, there are similar ones you can try. Such as the QuickShortcutMaker and More Shortcuts, that offers similar functionalities.
I hope you find these apps useful to do things faster. Enjoy.