How to Quickly Airdrop Files from Mac to iPhone or iPad

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

Airdrop is an easy way to wirelessly transfer files between Apple devices. Here’s how to utilize Airdrop to swiftly send files from your Mac to your iPhone, iPad, or other iOS devices.

What is Airdrop?

Airdrop is Apple’s proprietary close-range wireless transfer system. It uses Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to share files between nearby Apple devices, without needing internet.

Airdrop works between Macs, iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. You just need to be signed into the same Apple ID on all devices.

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Standard Airdrop Method

The normal way, the regular way is whenever you are accessing a file like this by going to any of the folders over here and if you want to send this file, you can right click or use your two fingers to tap on the trackpad.

You will get these options. You can click on share and then you get the option to airdrop.

Once you click on that option and you have got the other device in someone’s hand or on your own hand, you will get that device here and you can tap on that and it will be sent.

The default way to Airdrop from Mac is:

  1. Right-click the file you want to send.
  2. Choose “Share” then select “Airdrop” from the menu.
  3. Select the receiving device from the Airdrop popup window.
  4. Accept the transfer request on the receiving device.

This works well but takes several clicks to initiate each time. Let’s look at some shortcuts to streamline the process.

My Custom Shortcut to Airdrop Files

I have created a shortcut to make it even easier, and the shortcut is based on a utility which is a paid utility and it got famous last year which was NotchDrop.

A developer utilized this notch area on MacBook 16 and all the MacBook computers that have got these notch.

Whenever if you have to send a file to someone, all you had to do was drag your file over to this area and drop it. It would work in a similar manner like it will open the airdrop popup where you will be able to select that person’s device and send it.

Airdrop Files with just Drag and Drop

Quite similar to that, I created a shortcut and it’s totally free. You can download my shortcut from the link in the description or you can create your own. This is the shortcut, and I have added the icon of the shortcut in the docs area.

Now if I have to send a file to someone, drag that file over to this and this will work in a similar manner. It will pop up the Airdrop feature where I will be able to select anyone’s device.

You can click the icon to instantly open Airdrop’s sharing window and select a recipient device. Much faster than the manual menu steps!

Alternatively, you can highlight a particular file which you want to send or number of files.

If I want to send two files, I can select these files. Once these files are selected, all I have to do is go here and click on this icon. It works in a similar manner, opens the pop up where the device will be visible and I will be able to send it.

I think it is a little faster than doing a right click then selecting shear and then selecting this. So it requires three clicks whereas this requires only two clicks or maybe this one only requires one click.

You can download my Custom Shortcut

With these tips, Airdropping files from your Mac to iOS devices takes mere seconds. Streamline your workflow and simplify sharing with these Airdrop enhancement.

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