Using Social Media to Boost Your Sales: Best Tips

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

If you want to flip your sales significantly, put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Where would you look first?

Thanks to technology, we can basically solve anything on social media. It encapsulates the entire sales and purchase journey, allowing consumers to discover and buy items on the same platform.

However, social marketing leads are not always warmed up for guaranteed sales. High shipping costs, complex checkout processes, and high product prices are some deterrents that turn prospective customers away.

Here are the 10 best tips to help you boost your sales through social media.

Pick Your Platform and Optimize It

Deciding on the social media platform and the nature of the content to post is vital to attracting the right customers. To get the platform right, study your target audience’s characteristics, such as age and gender. The older population is more into Facebook, while the younger millennials spend most of their free time on TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat.

The nature of your content is also essential to determine what platform to use. Twitter is best known for communicating short and precise texts. If you need to post videos, YouTube and Tiktok are ideal spots, depending on the length of the videos.

Be Mobile Friendly

Many people spend more hours on their phones compared to desktops or tablets. Most social media content is also shared twice as much on mobile devices. With such trends, optimizing your content to be mobile-friendly should be a priority.

Mobile-friendly content is shorter and should direct readers to mobile-optimized landing pages and articles using mobile post formats. Your mobile-friendly posts should keep the objectives simple such as creating awareness and increasing video views.

Focus on Target Engagement

Customer engagement is the foundation for boosting your sales. It is hard to determine a prospective buyer, not to mention a serious one. Either way, you do not want to overlook any opportunity. Consequently, you can leverage Nuwber to help you learn more about that person to create personalized offers. 

Actively communicate with everyone that shows interest. Communication on social media is light and informal. Become a trusted resource by occasionally helping your customers solve problems and offering tips on matters related to the product.

Work With Social Media Influencers

While having many followers on social media as a brand is important, many businesses are thriving by using social media influencers to boost sales. According to research, 49% of sales today depend on these influencers’ recommendations. They also enable the business to reach new customers by boosting brand awareness.

To start up, choose a suitable influencer for your brand, give free product samples, and request them to post honest reviews on their pages.

Turn Your Loyal Customers Into Brand Advocates

This method works almost the same as using influencers to market a brand, only this time, you use loyal customers to influence others. You can ask them to post reviews and make recommendations for some of your products they have used. In turn, you can then reward them with substantive discounts on their subsequent purchases.

These programs also include giving returning buyers special referral codes and code discounts.

Use Interactive Posts to Educate and Entice Your Customers

Like any other marketing strategy, you must keep your customers’ interest high on social media. Creating informative content will not always sell your product.

Most people are active on social media, looking for some source of entertainment to kill their boredom. Users are actively seeking entertaining content online. To create fun and interactive yet selling content, post videos of real people using the product and share tips on how to use it, puns and jokes, and so on. Possibilities are endless.

Stay Consistent with Your Posting Schedules

Nowadays, the search algorithm on social media has been designed so that new content appears first in search results. Keeping your page active will subsequently attract and draw more customers.

Regular posting does not need to be done daily to be effective. Follow a schedule that works best. Keep updating your content. Keep customers engaged with new and exciting content.

Posting content at the right time means more engagement, impressions, and conversions.

Create Great Content, Avoid Being Pushy

That statement probably sounds a bit off the board because the aim is to generate more sales for your business. However, being pushy with people to make them buy your product is a significant turn-off to many users, and they will quickly scroll past your page.

Maximize your platform to post entertaining yet educational content to attract readers. Bringing in interactive activities such as contests and giveaways and incorporating some sales content can also be fun.

Social media’s golden rule is that more eyes on your site equals more sales.

Strike Where Your Competitors Do Not

Small businesses find it hard to compete with big ones regarding volume, production scale, and low product prices. Going toe to toe with rivals does not always guarantee a successful business.

Social media provides a unique platform for your work. For instance, if a rival ice cream firm closes at 5 pm, post-limited-time offers from 5 pm to 9 pm. Once you have established relationships over time, you are at an even better level of marketing such that you can make direct communication, consecutively boosting sales.

Create Brand-Specific Representations and Use Them Consistently

Stick to your brand when using social media for marketing. In most cases, users’ first interaction with a new brand is on social media. Your brand’s first impression highly determines the conversion rate.

Set up a profile that best represents your brand, starting from the username to the logo and cover photos. Consistent hashtags are important building blocks to foster relationships between you and your potential customers. Unique hashtags play a significant role in driving traffic to your platform.


Social media commerce is booming, and the recent pandemic led to accelerated digital transformation.

When physical shops shut down, online stores still remain open. It is up to you to leverage the power of social media platforms to increase your sales.

It is not just about pitching your brand online. Instead, approaching social media with deliberate tactics will guide your audience to purchase from you. Implementation of these tips will see a dramatic sales increase.

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