This Cool App Let’s You Record Videos with Friends & Stitches them together to have two Angles

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Anwer Khan
Anwer Khan
Anwer is passionate about helping others to understand this complex web called the Internet. He also has interests Mobile Phones, Movies and Golf.

One cool tip about video making I got from a professional friend is to shoot videos from different angles, it makes the videos more exciting to watch.

Well, this is something pretty tough to follow when you are shooting with your iPhone.

But this newly released app calls DuoMov makes it possible to shoot a video from two different angles by connecting with a friend over the Wi-Fi network.

The results are going to be something like this.

How does it work?

The app is pretty simple to use, the app is currently only for iPhone, and you need a friend with another iPhone.

1 friend sends the request and the other accepts it, and they both start recording the video from their iPhone from different angles.

After both are done recording the video, the app stitches both the videos together, syncs the audio track and gives you a split screen view of both the angles.

It is completely a different type of format which also looks promising, considering we are always with someone when are exploring something new, this app can be useful in creating exciting videos to show things from different angles.

It will be interesting to see how the users utilise this app to tell interesting stories via Videos. I’ve already started getting ideas.

Where to get it from?

The app is free and is currently available for iPhone only, it can be installed from the App Store. There is currently no app for Android, but it might arrive in future. You can check DuoMov’s official website if you are reading this at a later date.

The app is developed by two independent developers, Raphael Cruzeiro and Pedro Henrique Marques. The two developers worked on the app and created in under 30 days. You can read about it in Raphael Cruzeir’s post on Medium.

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