How to turn off Annoying Notifications from Websites in Google Chrome

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

Do you keep getting notifications in Chrome on your Desktop (or Chrome for Android) from Facebook (or from any other website for that matter?)

The reason you are getting these notification in Chrome because you may have enabled it at some point of time.

Google has recently allowed websites to push notifications to users. And maybe, at some point of time, Facebook (or any other website that’s bugging you) may have given a pop up asking you to allow notifications. And you may have allowed them to do so.

It’s okay if you do not remember, it happens with everyone (including me). But there is surely a away to fet rid of them.

How to stop websites from sending you notifications.


Next time when you get a notification (which looks something like this, see above) Simply click on the Gear icon on the bottom right of the notification popup. It will directly open the settings in the Chrome browser from where you can either delete it or block it.


Now, if you delete it, the websites will again send you a pop up asking for your permission to send push notifications which you can block this time, but I would reccommend you block them right away.

How to stop desktop notifications from every website at once


Okay, maybe you don’t want to wait for the next push notification or perhaps, there are way too many websits that are sending you the notifications. You can block it all at once.

  • Simply go to ‘Chrome settings‘,
  • Click on ‘advance setting’ at the bottom,
  • Then click on ‘Content settings‘ under ‘Privacy’ section,
  • Then a popup wold appear, scroll down to the ‘Notifications‘ section.
  • And select ‘Do not allow any site to show notifications‘.


One Request: Notifications are made for making the life of users easy, it lets you get notified of any activity on your favourite website. Techtippr also sents notifications but they are only when an important article or update is made (to help all you amazing readers) so I would request you allow Techtippr for the notifications. (Thanks in advance) :-)

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