Ways to Find and Reach Your Target Audience on Instagram

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmedhttp://techtippr.com
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

Instagram is a great tool for marketers to target potential customers and generate new leads.

That is why it is very important to know how to find your target Instagram audience on that platform. When you are developing an Instagram strategy, this is probably the most important part.

Though defining the target audience would be the first step in the process, you will have to face a few questions along with that.

  • For instance, what is your overall objective?
  • How will you measure results?
  • How do you find the audience and where are they?
  • And how will you communicate with them?

We will connect you with the answers to all the above questions in this blog. 

Start with considerable marketing Persona

A marketing persona is the profile of the perfect and flawless customer you want to market for. 

Social media personas are fictional images of the ideal customers. Based on factors such as population, desires, and problems or difficulties, a persona paints an ideal image of the person you are trying to sell your product to.

You can use the same information to describe your target audience on Instagram. 

Ask your marketing team what the average customer looks like. After a while, when you try to log in to Instagram analytics, you may notice more nuances and details of these profiles, depending on your social data.

Make polls as much as you can

Conduct Instagram polls on your story for your audience and ask them relevant questions that will help you in understanding them better and thus, you can improve your Instagram targeting. Ask them the kind of content they prefer and what do they expect of you. 

You can ask them what they like and dislike? What kind of products do they like to buy the most? Etc. This way, you can connect more with your audience, and it’s also a way to know what kind of content your audience would like to see on your profile.

In other words, ask for important information that will help you improve your content strategy and make it more appealing to your audience.

Analyze competitors on Instagram

An easier way to profile your customers and finding them is by having a look at your competitors’ profiles.

Then go to your competitor’s Instagram account and see the type of people who are following them. Moreover, the kind of content they are using grab the attention of that audience. 

Learn how they target customers with their products. Learn their methods of promoting and marketing products. There is nothing bad in doing so as it is beneficial to learn from someone who came earlier and has much more experience as compared to you.

See if they have some nice tricks and methods that you can use as well.

Rather than hurrying, take your time in this and save many resources. Get a good internet connection and actively look for the information that you need.

Charter Spectrum internet could be a good option is that as the speed is good, it doesn’t cost a lot, and the customer service is available 24/7. You can reach them at localcabledeals.com/charter/customer-service anytime.


With the appropriate hashtags, you can stand in front of the right audience. The point is that a hashtag target is a type of hashtag that the audience can use on Instagram, so it makes sense to work with it.

The audience should have the same interests as you, so if you are used to it, then act according to the same tag that clearly shows that you are a perfect fit!

Search for other well-targeted hashtags and make an effort to go through content under these hashtags. Look for what you want and when you see something that suits you, like it. Go to the user profile and like all of their content.

Leave a nice comment or even more than one comment. Do not be ashamed to do so as it is worth it. If you feel that particular user is of your audience liking, you can follow them as well.

Add Mentions @

One of the best ways to get into an already busy Instagram community is to connect directly with your peers and direct your audience via @mentions.

Identify popular accounts that your audience is already following and enter them appropriately.

There is a high chance that the specified account will also post your feed posts or news to its followers. You will probably get some of their followers to follow you. 

And BAM you have reached the goal of your target audience. Repeat this over and over with other popular Instagram accounts.

Instagram Insights

Use the Instagram profile feature to see the number of people engaging in the user engagement to make sure you target the right audience.

With this, you will get important information about your followers, such as their location, gender, or age. With this information, you can edit your future content to reach more people in your post.


It is not an overnight process to reach your desired Instagram target audience. You just cannot figure this whole thing in one time and then create content and promote it and never have to worry about it again.

This complete-time taking process takes a lot of work to progress. 

Although it is very easy to buy Instagram followers to get the reach, it is possible to achieve growth organically. The more you spend time working on your Instagram audience, the more you learn about your audience and the more your content strategy becomes refined.

Many useful tools and strategies are there that can be used to make this whole thing easier.

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