Articles Under Apple

Logitech K380 is Probably the Best Apple Keyboard Alternative

Looking to find the Apple Magic Keyboard Alternative? I've been using one from quite sometime. Let me tell you more about it.I have been a Mac user for almost a decade. The macOS is an incredible platform for creators...

Why is Face ID Not Available on My iPhone?

There could be many reasons why Face ID is Not available on your iPhone. In this article, we will discuss the issues related to Face ID and their possible solution to fix them and continue to enjoy the seamless...

Do the Airpods work with Android Mobile?

If you are an iPhone user, AirPods might be the best thing that has ever happened to you. The seamless connection, uninterrupted audio quality, and ease of use make them a fan favorite among iPhone owners.However, the question is,...

Best AirTag Alternatives for Android and iPhone Users

Don't want to get sucked into the Apple Ecosystem by buying yet another product from Apple? Or maybe you belong to the other end of the spectrum, owning an Android. Whatever it is, here's your list of the best...

How to Cancel Subscriptions on iPhone and Mac

We live in a world where there is an app for everything. And if you are in the Apple Ecosystem, you might have to pay for it as well.Although, technology makes it remarkably effortless to become a subscriber of...

How to AirDrop Files from One Apple Device to Another (iPhone to iPhone, Mac, iPad or Vice-Versa)

In this article, we will learn how to use airdrop to share files from one apple device to another, For example, from iPhone to another iOS device like iPad or iPhone. You can Airdrop photos, videos or document files...

Why Should You Buy the Cellular Apple Watch?

I love Apple Products, be it the MacBook, the iPhone, or the iPad. But I never imagined I'd love the Apple Watch so much.For a long time, I thought Apple Watch was useless. If I have to track my...

Why Should You Go for Apple Watch Cellular?

I love Apple Products, be it the MacBook, the iPhone or the iPad. But I never imagined I'd love the Apple Watch so much.For a long time, I thought Apple Watch was useless, and if I had to track...

Apple Watch Series 7 Review – Is it Really Bigger, Faster, Tougher?

The launch of the 8th generation of the Apple Watch is around the corner, so it doesn't make sense to purchase the Apple Watch Series 7 right now. But maybe you are getting a better deal. And you do...

Apple Watch Series 5 in 2022? How’s it in Comparison to Series 7?

So, I finally gave in to the temptation of having an Apple Watch. My third product from Apple is making me get sucked into the ecosystem. Oh, I've already written about it here.Apple Watch is in its generation 7,...

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How to Expand Your MacBook Storage Permanently for Less

MacBooks are top-of-the-line computers, but their high price, especially for higher storage options, can be a deterrent. Here's an...