How to Get Rid of Annoying Ads on ShareIt App?

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

Shareit is a fantastic app to share stuff with friends wirelessly, the best Aate that is available for both Android and iPhone. So it’s a more natural way to send files from an iPhone to Android or vice versa.

But if you use Shareit on your Android mobile, you might be aware of how and knowing the ads are.

I know that this is how developers make money, but Shareit seems to be loaded with ads, which is is not a pleasant experience every time you open Shareit.

So I have an idea of how you can minimize the ads the Shareit app through use in your face and fill up your notification panel.

How to turn off ads on Shareit

There are several ways you can avoid as on the Shareit app. Summer ethical and unethical, so I am mentioning both starting with the unethical one.

Download and install Mod APK of Shareit

If you have to be aggressive on turning off ads on Shareit, you can go ahead and download a Mod APK of share it available freely on the web.

Now, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who is not tech-savvy because the websites that provide the modded APK of Android apps are a bit Shady. This means, if you are not careful, you might end up installing something else.

So this method is not recommended for everyone. Also, on some ethical grounds, because the developer only intends to distribute their app from Play Store, where they have the data about how many people are using their app.

So let’s move on to the next more ethical, more little option to avoid ads on the Shareit app.

Turn off notifications for Shareit

The most annoying part of Shareit showing you Ads is that it fills up your entire notification area with multiple ads all at once. And it also happens even when you are not inside the Shareit app.

So if you used it a few hours ago, you would keep getting those annoying popup notifications that are ads. These are taking advantage of the notification permission. So if you do not want to get them, you can turn off Notifications for Shareit app.

You can do this by long-pressing on the Shareit icon. App Info will appear. You have to tap on it and go to the apps settings page, scroll down to find notifications and then tap on it. And then turn off notifications.

I also found that you don’t need to see notifications from an app like Shareit. Because inside the app by the transfer is being done. Once the transfer is done, you can exit the app.

So there is no need for this app to get the notifications permission and to annoy you with multiple hands.

Turn off the Internet while using Shareit

This is also a kind of workaround. Add required active internet connection to be served. And, the real use of Shareit to send files two other devices locally. You don’t need an internet connection.

All you have to do is to make a habit of turning off the app every time you open Shareit on your mobile, and you will never have to deal with ads in Shareit.

You can turn on the internet again after you are done sharing your file using Shareit and close it.

You can use this trick in combination with disabling notification for Shareit. You will be amazed. How satisfied you will be with the Shareit app when it stops annoying you with dozens of ads.

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