How to Post Instagram Stories to Facebook Automatically | Cross Posting Instagram Story to Facebook Story

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

There are different formats to tell a story and the current favourite of the millennials right now is Stories, the videos and photos that expire 24 hours after posting them.

The Stories were originally stated by Snapchat, but was later introduced to Instagram, and then to Facebook and WhatsApp.

If you didn’t know already, Instagram, WhatsApp both are owned by Facebook, which means one feature you find on any of them will eventually be available on other two.

Facebook has now also started letting users cross-posting their Instagram Stories to Facebook. Currently, the feature is limited to a handful of testers but will eventually be rolled out to others as well.

The Feature currently lets users cross-post their Instagram Stories to Facebook and not another way around, because, Stories are more popular on Instagram than on WhatsApp and Facebook.

How to post Instagram Stories to Facebook Stories automatically.

Launch the Instagram app, then tap on your Profile icon to go to the profile page (it can be done by tapping on your display picture visible at the bottom).

Tap on the three dots on the top right to go to the settings area.

(If you have already linked your Instagram with Facebook, skip this step) tap on Linked Accounts, and tap on Facebook (if you are using the Facebook on your smartphone, you will be linked instantly).

Go to Story settings, the option to post Instagram Stories on Facebook would be at the bottom. Enable it and you are done.

Note: This feature in closed beta so you might not be able to find the option, it would eventually be rolled out so have patience. 

What’s the benefit of posting Instagram Stories to Facebook Stories

If you are already posting stories on different platforms, this can save a bit of your time by automating the process.

And Facebook, being used by the majority of people, can give you a wider audience. And Facebook stories are also visible for desktop users.

There are also some reports coming that Instagram Stories can also be posted to WhatsApp automatically.

Would you be interested in posting the same story on different platforms automatically? Let us know in the comments below.

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