Tippr Explains
Here’s The Content Creator Guide to Get Started in 2023
Creating content is a great way to engage with an audience and foster meaningful connections. Whether you’re an experienced content creator or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the tools and resources you need to create...
How Time Tracker Can Streamline Your Day
Time tracking is a powerful tool for improving productivity and organizing personal and professional life.It helps keep our work lives balanced, focused and on track. Knowing how much time you spend on tasks and activities allows you to prioritize...
Tippr Explains
The Cost Of Setting Up A Network And Servers
Starting a business is expensive. You need to invest in all the tools and equipment you'll need to get your company off the ground and this includes going all-in with technology.
You may also find yourself choosing between training yourself...
Mac & iOS
How to AirDrop Files from One Apple Device to Another (iPhone to iPhone, Mac, iPad or Vice-Versa)
In this article, we will learn how to use airdrop to share files from one apple device to another, For example, from iPhone to another iOS device like iPad or iPhone. You can Airdrop photos, videos or document files...
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Tippr Explains
How to Compress Videos for WhatsApp | Send Long Videos on WhatsApp
In this article, we will talk about how to compress video for WhatsApp. You will find the list of online video compressors to compress and send large videos on WhatsApp. And a tutorial to make your video smaller using...
Trollishly: Top 5 Gadgets to Uplift Your Instagram Journey
Instagram nearly came into our lives a decade ago. It slowly entered into our social media journey and made our memories colorful. It changed our viewpoints on how we see the world.It mainly stands out for its unique...
How to Read Faster and Finish Reading Books in a Day
In this article, I will be talking to you about how you can read anything faster. And when I say faster, it can be up to three times your usual reading speed.I have finished books in just one day...
Tippr Explains
How to Recover Deleted Files in Android
When you delete a file, it doesn't mean it's gone forever. Deleting a file only removes the link between the file and the file system, so the operating system is free to write new data over that space. For...
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Tippr Explains
Download Pinterest App for your Creative Workflow
You can find inspiration anywhere, but what if you know where you can find it? And that's Pinterest. It will make your job a little less complicated if you are in a creative field and are looking for some...
How to Minimize Your Digital Footprint
Are you concerned about your digital footprint? Do you want to minimize the amount of data collected about you by websites and online services? Here are some tips to help:Use a free antivirus for Android app to scan...
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Achieve Inbox Zero with These Powerful Tools
If you've been struggling to keep your inbox clean and manageable, you aren't alone; many people seek the inbox...
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