How to Move A Tumblr Blog from One Account to Another

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Anwer Khan
Anwer Khan
Anwer is passionate about helping others to understand this complex web called the Internet. He also has interests Mobile Phones, Movies and Golf.

I found this question on Quora while browsing the website. Here is what is asked.

I recently created a blog for my son, who is 17. Currently, the blog has pictures and memories from his birth until now. The blog is a “secondary” blog linked to my primary blog account.  At some point after he turns 18, he wants to take control of the blog and blog his college experiences.   Please help

The answer was little outdated so I thought I’ll write a short tutorial as I too found myself in a situation where I had to move a Tumblr blog from account to another.


Note: Tumblr does not offer the functionality of merging two accounts right now. You can only move a blog if its a Secondary one creted under one account. 

When you log in to the account where your secondary blog is associated, click on the top right corner on the Account Icon. This will show you options for your primary blog (your account) and your secondary blog.


Click on the secondary blog to get its options, then click on members. Tumblr lets you add members to a secondary blog just like Facebook and Google plus does for their Pages. So that multiple people can manage it.


You have to invite the other account to become a member of the secondary blog by putting their email.

Once the email is sent, the other account holder has to click on the confirmation email saying you’ve been added as a member to this blog.


After clicking the link, it redirects the user to Tumblr, where you click on Members area and see your account is added.


Now, when you see it from the first account, it will give you options to ‘Promote to admin’ and ‘Leave this blog’


At this point, both the accounts can post to Tumblr. If you want to completely move the blog to other account, just Promote to admin and Leave this blog.

This is it, hope you find this Tutorial useful. Keep reading for making your tech life easy.

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