Articles Under Productivity

Download These Top 5 Apps for Productive Study

College life is the time when you have too many different tasks to complete. It’s hard to keep up with everything and not to get lost with all your different notebooks. These apps below will help you to navigate all...

Create an Empty Group on Instagram to Save Favourite Reels, Videos and Posts to View them Later

Instagram is currently the hottest social media platform right now. With over a billion active users on the platform, hundreds of millions of people use it daily.It is not just a platform to look at other people's lives, but...

6 Best Email App for iPhone for You to Pick the Right One

It is a well-known fact that iPhones are used by pretty much everyone, whether it is personal or business. For the business people out there, this means that they are constantly fighting with their inbox to make sure nothing...

Magnet vs Mosaic Split Screen Apps for Mac

Applications like Magnet and Mosaic provide an opportunity to multitask on Macs by dividing the screen into multiple parts. This means that you can use one part of the screen to do one thing, while another part of the...

Best Window Management / Split Screen Tools for Mac

When working with a large project, it's important to be able to see all of the parts at once. But it can be difficult if you're trying to do that on a small screen. Thankfully, there are apps that allow...

Use Lenovo Chromebook Duet (or any Android Tablet) as an Extended Monitor with Your Laptop

I've been using the Lenovo Chromebook for more than six months now. And every time I pick it up, I thank myself for deciding to buy it. I have been in love with Chromebook since its inception. Lenovo Chromebook...

How to Prevent Website Notifications in Google Chrome, Firefox & Safari Browser

Notifications are quite interesting. Because they notify you of something you want to be notified about so that he can take action in time.These are mostly the notifications that are sent from apps installed on your mobile phones.This notification...

How to Turn On MacBook Pro when in Clamshell Mode/ Closed Display Mode

I recently started using my MacBook Pro in clamshell mode. Apple calls it close to display mode because well you have to keep the MacBook closed, and the connected monitor becomes the primary display.I am currently using my 43-inch...

Can Noise Cancelling Headphones Cut Distracting Noises to Let You Focus on Work?

It is a question that has been asked more than ever during the entire 2020 because of the global pandemic. And people getting forced to work from their homes.I, someone who has been working from Home for the last...

How to Use MacBook in Clampshell / Closed Display Mode

There is a never-ending debate about what kind of setup is the most productive. Is it the laptop that has the option for mobility or is it the desktop that forces you to sit down on your chair and...

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How to Expand Your MacBook Storage Permanently for Less

MacBooks are top-of-the-line computers, but their high price, especially for higher storage options, can be a deterrent. Here's an...