How to use Two WhatsApp Accounts on One Mobile?

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

WhatsApp is any state messaging app that is used by over 1 billion people worldwide.

And while it may have been in the news because of its privacy policies (Facebook’s privacy policies), it continues to be one of the most popular messaging apps available.

So much that almost everyone who uses the internet has got a WhatsApp account.

Please Note: Due to software restrictions, this feature is not currently available on iOS Devices. 

In fact, in recent years, we have seen people using two WhatsApp accounts, one for work one for personal usage.

And part of the reason is that mostly all the mobile phones are now dual-sim mobile phones which allow users to have two mobile numbers in one mobile.

So people are often looking for ways to utilize both their numbers to create WhatsApp accounts and use both the accounts on the same mobile phone.

However, WhatsApp does not allow multiple accounts on a single device like Instagram, Facebook, despite all the three products belonging to the same company.

Thankfully Smartphone manufacturers realize the use case of their users and now have started offering features that allow users to use Dual WhatsApp on their mobile phones.

Currently, popular Smartphone manufacturers like Samsung, Xiaomi, Asus.

Dual Whatsapp in Samsung

You can follow this official guide provided by Samsung on their website to activate dual messenger.

You will find dual messenger in the advanced feature from the settings area of your smartphone.

It will give you a list of all the apps that are compatible with the dual messenger. Just toggle the switch for the app you want to use—WhatsApp in this case.

Follow the instructions, and you will be able to activate dual Messenger for WhatsApp.

Dual WhatsApp Messenger in Asus

Asus calls it ‘Twin apps’, which can be found inside the Advanced section from the Settings area of the smartphone.

The Twin apps also have a list of all the compatible apps you can use on your mobile phone. Toggle the switch for WhatsApp, follow the instructions and you are done.

Dual WhatsApp Messenger in Xiaomi Mobiles

Similarly, Xiaomi also has got the dual messenger feature on mobile phones. And to activate the dual messenger feature for WhatsApp, you can find it in the app section from the settings area.

Here is the path

Settings -> Apps – Dual Apps.

Find the WhatsApp from the list and then create a dual WhatsApp to use.

Currently, I have access to mobile phones from these manufacturers, but other Smartphone manufacturers such as LG, Motorolla, Huawei also offer similar dual WhatsApp features.

In case if you are looking for using a single WhatsApp account on multiple devices, you may check out this guide which will let you do it.

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