Map or disable the Bixby button on your Samsung mobile with a more useful action

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Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed
Founder and Cheif Editor of Techtippr, Get in touch with me on Twitter or Enjoy my Stories on Instagram. I think they are interesting. :-)

Samsung makes incredibly awesome Android devices, especially the flagship ones, it recently launched Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

They are probably the only direct competition to Apple since it always competes with the features given by Apple in their iPhones.

But it’s not just Apple Samsung competes with, is also competes with the company of which it uses the operating system for their mobile phones.

Google had the Google Assistaforrom a very long time, and it’s probably the best digital assistant (iPhone users might not agree, but it’s ok). To compete with Google Assistant Samsung came up with Bixby

In fact, it is so passionate about competing with Google Assistant that it has included a dedicated button for the bixby on all their flagship devices since 2017.

The recently launched will Samsung Galaxy Note 9 too has got a dedicated button that is on the opposite side off the power button.

Normally, the Samsung users would ignore Bixby, but the day dedicated button on the devices makes it hard for them to forget about the existence of bixby.

It’s pretty confusing for people who mistakenly press the bixby button every now and then when they are trying to press the power button on the other side.

Sadly, Samsung does not offe options to change the action for pressing the dedicated button, it is exclusively for bixby.

Thankfully we are living in a world where we can install apps on our smartphones that can change things. And in this case, bxAction is that app.

You can use the app to remap the dedicated bixby button on your Samsung flagship mobile to make it do other things.

For example, you can choose from a list of actions such as changing profile, taking a screenshot, activating Google assistant, launch in camera or any other App, there are more than 30 actions to choose from to map the bixby button.

If you want you can disable the bixby button not together by going to bixby settings and then uncheck bixby button.

You can install the app from the Play Store.

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