Articles Under Chrome for Android

How to Add AdBlock for Chrome on Android?

If you don't like seeing Ads while browsing, you can choose to block ads using popular Adblock methods.We have even written a detailed article listing out all the possible Adblock options available for both PC as well as a...

How to Save An Article or Any Webpage in PDF on Android to Share it Offline

Suppose you are reading an article and you like that a lot, so much that you want to share it with your friends or keep it for yourself.One option would be to capture a screenshot and have it saved...

How to Open the Desktop version of Facebook on Mobile Phone

Are you looking to know how to open the desktop version of Facebook on a mobile phone? Check out this article to know how.The desktop version of Facebook means the full version of the Facebook website that you open...

How to Add & Use Chrome Extensions on Chrome for Android Mobile

Are you looking to know how you can use Chrome extensions on a browser on your mobile phone? Continue reading this article to know further.Smartphones have reached so much advancement in the last few years, so much that the...

Get Complete Dark Mode in Chrome for Android Natively

Now you can get the complete Dark Mode Chrome for Android browser natively on your mobiles? Read further to know more about it.A couple of months ago, when the craze of the people for Dark Mode started to materialize, and...

How to Delete Search History in Google App on Android

Even though our smartphones are our personal devices, where we can do anything and keep it secure by setting up a different type of passwords, there can be still instances where you would want to delete your search history.Deleting...

10 Crucial Apps on My Android Mobile I Can’t Live Without

After reading similar kind of lists on other tech blogs, I am inspired to write mine.Even though I have as much as 100 apps installed on my Android mobile, like many other people, it's only a handful of apps...

How to Enable / Disable Google Chrome’s New Password Manager & Autofill

The Google Chrome browser recently got a huge upgrade with the rollout of Chrome 69 version.Apart from the much-needed design upgrades, the new version has introduced some interesting features in the password manager. What is new in the Google ChromeImproved...

Chrome for Android Tabs Will Get Suspended in the Background after 5 Minutes of Inactivity

Google Chrome may be the most popular Browser on the internet.But, it has earned a name of being notorious about using more resources than required and being a resource hungry software.Fortunately, Google is working really hard to prove this...

How to Enable Dark Mode in Chrome for Android

This article talks about how to enable the dark mode in Chrome for Android. If you weren't already aware of such feature in Chrome for Android, then keep reading this article to know how you can enable it.A couple...

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Automating Customer Service Using MetaDialog AI

Leveraging MetaDialog AI to Automate Customer ServiceBuilding a sustainable business requires increasing engagement and establishing long-term relationships with clientele....