Before we talk about how to block ads in Android, you must understand that ads are the reason it is possible for so many publishers to publish amazing content on the internet for you to read it for free.
Now, if you are here searching for a way to block ads on your Android smartphone, chances are, you are annoyed by a handful of websites that are loaded with unnecessary ads.
When you visit these websites, they put a dozen popups in your face leaving you with a frustrating browsing experience. Even I would want to block ads on such websites.
So, here are some ways you can block ads on an Android device.
Use Opera Browser for Android
There are many browsers available for Android, but only a few of them are great ones that enhance your browsing experience. One such browser is the Opera browser.
It has several versions of browsers available for Android, so I’ll leave the link to the one I am talking about So that you install the right one.
The Opera browser gives your complete browsing experience with many features. One such feature is the ability to block ads.
You can install and turn on ad blocker so that no other at will bother you income in way of your browsing experience.
Use UC Browser
UC browser is quite a popular Browser in Asian countries and it has emerged to be one of the popular browsers in India as well.
It offers so many things in a single app, and there are few things that you wouldn’t like, such as, it hosts or curates some objectionable content as well.
But one of the features that work very well on UC browser is its ad blocker.
If you have a habit of browsing websites which are having on the ads, you can have UC Browser installed and use it for browsing search websites.
Use Chrome for Android
Google Chrome for Android has recently introduced Ad-blocker in their browser. It doesn’t really block all the ads on a website since Google’s 90% of the income is from displaying ads, It’s actually really helpful in blocking that is too annoying.
And We think this is the best method to block ads while still making the honest and hardworking publishers display non-intrusive ads on their websites.
By the way, also displays honest ads and try to give importance to the user experience over greediness.
15 Best Ad Blockers for Windows PC, Mac Browsers and Android Mobiles for 2023